Tax Management

What’s Included?

We realize that taxation is rapidly becoming a costly and complex business reality for you. Current trends reflect that proper planning and application of taxes are keys to helping increase company profits.

Further, the political and economic environment surrounding local businesses opens it up to threats emerging from the country’s budget deficits. Revenue targets are expected to increase while tax authorities begin enforcing tax laws and regulations with more severity.

In light of these developments, the need for professional tax guidance becomes apparent. Our experienced tax professionals can assist you in managing your tax liabilities with tax authorities thereby allowing your officers to concentrate on their respective business responsibilities.

BS&O can help your business maximize its value by identifying and implementing comprehensive strategies for corporate, indirect, international and local taxes. We further provide services that can help individuals and families build and preserve wealth.

We can provide our clients with various tax related services based on their business needs.

Our tax services include:

  • Preparation of tax returns.

  • Handling of tax assessments.

  • Claim for refunds.

  • Obtain tax opinions and rulings.

  • Perform compliance and tax audits.

  • Estate tax planning.


Accounting Services


Set-Up and Restructuring of Financial Records