Accounting Services

What’s Included?

BS&O provides a complete menu of accounting services to meet your every accounting need. Whether you need to conceptualize and implement a complete and comprehensive system or upgrade your existing business processes, our BS&O Team is ready to take on the challenge. The team is rigorously trained to gain insights on your operation procedures thereby providing you services that are tailor-fit to your needs. Our accounting services are highly flexible, readily adjustable to provide you with the level of service you desire.

Our accounting services include:

  • Preparation and review of monthly financial statements.

  • Creation and maintenance of general ledger system.

  • Account analysis.

  • Account receivable processing.

  • Accounts payable processing.

  • Preparation of bank reconciliation statements.

  • Budgeting and Projections.

  • Assistance in preparation of required monthly management reports.

  • Temporary secondment of staff to assume agreed-upon responsibilities.

  • Safekeeping of documentation on accounting transactions.

The advantage of outsourcing your accounting services to BS&O is manifested not only in the savings that you get from hiring a full-time staff, accounting supervisor, or manager, but the comfort of being assured that you are receiving accurate, reliable and timely financial results. Aside from this economic benefit, outsourcing your accounting functions offers you the following advantages:

  • You obtain highly qualified professionals at less than the cost of hiring a bookkeeper/ accountant/ manager.

  • You eliminate the need to develop an accounting system, select accounting software, hire, train, and supervise accounting personnel, -leaving more time to focus on your core business.


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